Friday, May 16, 2014

Unwanted Pop Up Ads On My Blog Site

Actually i have two unwanted pop up ads that pops up when i go on my Personal Computer User-Friendy blog site.
When you go on the site, you probably get them also, unless you have your browser pop up settings disabled.

So here it is, first solution: Disable pop ups on your browser.

Whether you have Internet Explorer, Firefox, Linux, etc... they all have settings that blocks pop ups.

Good solution, but they are still on my site and i want to remove them.

I am presently on it. I am pretty sure that it is something written in my blog script (HTML), a link that leads to these two different sites (two different pop up ads) that i can just remove from my HTML.

The links that those unwanted pop up ads lead to are "lpcloudsvr203" indeed .com and "binarypilot" .co (i am not writting the addresses literally so it,s not creating a link of course).

I have look quickly thru the two thousand and some lines... on my HTML and didn,t find them.
I will look again more closely.

If anyone knows where they could be located (header, body, etc...) or what the script would be, or if there is an other solution feel free to post it here.

Have a great day!

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